Best Blue Great Dane in Portugal in 2019
We are a family owned and operated business.
Best Breed Great Dane CPC 2019
The only way we can guarantee this is by testing, so all of our dogs are tested for hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia, and we also perform echocardiography every year to detect cardiac pathologies and dilated cardiomyopathy.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a primary muscle disease of the heart that mainly affects giant breeds. One of the main causes of DCM occurrence is genetics.
DCM causes a decrease in cardiac contractility and the heart enlarges. One of the main complications of this pathology is arrhythmias.
As clinical signs, animals may experience episodes of weakness or fainting and even sudden death.
DCM has a family predisposition in Great Danes and, as such, it is very important to test all breeding animals.
In order to detect dilated cardiomyopathy and other cardiac pathologies, animals must undergo an annual echocardiography performed by a cardiologist veterinarian.
Hip dysplasia is a condition that occurs mainly in large and giant breeds, however it can occur in several breeds.
In dogs with hip dysplasia, the head of the femur does not fit perfectly in the acetabulum, or does not have a correct shape, causing bone wear rather than delicate movement.
There are many factors that are linked to the development of hip dysplasia, the genetic being one of the most important.
It can also be influenced by other factors such as excessive exercise, poor nutrition, inappropriate weight, etc.
In Portugal, the official hip reading system is APMVEAC. When we send radiographs, they receive HD A, HD B, HD C, HD E, with HD A being the best and HD E the worst.
We must never forget that hip dysplasia is hereditary. Therefore, when purchasing a dog it is very important to ask about the parents' health exams.
Hip dysplasia is unfortunately still a very common problem in our canine population.
Elbow dysplasia is a condition that involves multiple abnormalities of the elbow joint.
The elbow joint consists of three bones: radius, ulna and humerus.
When these 3 bones do not fit perfectly, due to growth changes, the abnormal distribution of weight in the joint leads to the appearance of pain, lameness and the development of arthritis.
Elbow diseases are divided into medial compartment disease (fragmentation of the coronoid process, osteochondrosis and joint incongruity) and non-union of the anechoic process.
The causes of elbow dysplasia are not clear, but one of the important proven factors is the genetic factor. Others that can influence are trauma and diet problems.
Elbow dysplasia is an inherited condition that can occur in all breeds, but is more common in large and giant dogs.
In Portugal, the official reading system is APMVEAC. The specimens receive ED 0, ED 1, ED 2 and ED 3, with ED 0 being the animal with perfect elbows.